Each hotel, hostel and rural house has an identity. And that identity has a direct relationship with the type of client that stays there. It is important that the experience is good and comfortable.
When selecting the amenities for the rooms, it is necessary to determine some items that are defined from the aforementioned: the identity and type of guest.
The main characteristic of business travelers is that they are demanding people: they have visited several hotels and can compare the service offered better than others.
Therefore, amenities for business travelers must have particular characteristics.
Hotel amenities for business travelers
When selecting amenities for business travelers' rooms, we must look at the packaging design on the one hand. And this must be in tune with the hotel's identity.
On the other hand, size is another factor to highlight. Being business travelers, their stay is short. Usually 1 or 2 nights. That is why the size of each supply placed should be smaller. The 20 ml tube or 10 g soap versions are best suited for this type of case. It is not recommended to place larger sized products as this is not valued by this type of customer.
What are the best amenities for business travelers?
There is a list of recommended amenities such as kits:
- Shaving Kit: consisting of shaving cream and a disposable razor.
- Dental kit: consisting of a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste.
On the other hand, there are particular needs of business travelers. For example, shoe polishers can be offered, since they help to keep shoes impeccable every day.
In terms of personal hygiene, combs are an obligatory part of what should be offered in the room amenities.
Finding the best hotel amenities is a great advantage for your business. However, it's far from simple. We can help you discover which one suits your clientele. You can contact us by phone, email or directly through our website.
We are here to help you!
Pink Ant, your trusted hotel and restaurant supply company.